Forecasts and Readings–
Personalized for you.
Welcome everyone, I look forward to offering you insight into your life with an Astrology Forecast. Your personalized forecast will include your unique traits, your strengths, weaknesses and areas important in your life to give you a complete picture of your astrological self.
Also available are compatibility forecasts, relocation information and even best times for projects, health and more.
When you select a reading or forecast please include as much of the following as possible for yourself or for anyone included in your reading.
Birthdate, Birth time, and Birthplace.
Select from a forecast option below:
Birth Chart with Interpretation $45.00
Yearly Forecast
Most popular
gives a 12 month
forecast of your
upcoming year. 49.00
For You & 1 other person
Career Focused:
Are you in the right career? $45.00
Predictive: This can highlight areas of potential weakness, accident times, illness and more. $49.99
Relocation information
Find your best place for love, money, career and more. $39.00
I will analyze upto 3 locations for this price.
Please visit the Services page link above for additional description of each reading or forecast.
All astrological forecasts will be emailed to you unless requested in a printed form.